Penis Envy Uncut Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis)



Buy Penis Envy Uncut Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis)

Looking for Penis Envy Uncut Spores? You’re right where you need to be. Our psilocybe spores are genetically tested, vigorous, & assembled in an ISO-7 clean room so that you don’t run into any issues.

Skill Level Advanced
Species Psilocybe cubensis
Spore Color Purple / Black
Speed Moderately slow

Kit Contents

  • 10CC Psilocybe cubensis spore solution in luer-lok syringe
  • High concentration of healthy, recently harvested spores
  • 1 x sterile 18ga blunt tipped needle

Strain Origin

Buy Penis Envy Uncut Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis). Packing all the potency of the original Penis Envy, this variety of magic mushroom is sure to please you in your microscopy research. ‘Uncut’ refers to the foreskin-like membranous annulus that is lacking in the original Penis Envy strain. Buy Penis Envy Uncut Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis). PE Uncut can be considered a sibling to the classic PE strain, and typically shares many of its traits & behaviors. If you have PE experience, PE Uncut should be a cool, natural progression for you!


PE Uncut is one of the more challenging, yet rewarding strains to research. For content, it is similar in difficulty to APE & Tidal wave, and much harder than Golden Teacher or B+. Buy Penis Envy Uncut Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis).

Spore Features

The spores of PE mushrooms are dark purplish to black, and sub ellipsoid on 4-spored basidia. Caps are generally dark spore printers and 40-60mm in diameter. This strain provides moderate research material.


Buy Penis Envy Uncut Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis). PE Uncut is a pretty rare strain and is much more difficult to find that its related strains like PE, APE, etc. This is definitely a unique strain to add to your collection!

Still Considering PE Uncut? 



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