Albino Penis Envy (Ape) Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis)



Buy  Albino Penis Envy (Ape) Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis)

Looking for Albino Penis Envy Spores? You’re right where you need to be. Our APE spores are genetically tested, vigorous, & assembled in an ISO-7 clean room so that you don’t run into any issues. 

Skill Level Advanced
Species Psilocybe cubensis
Spore Color Transparent / White
Speed Slower than beginner strains

What is included?

  • 10CC Psilocybe cubensis spore solution in luer-lok syringe (highly concentrated spores)
  • 1 x sterile 18ga blunt tipped needle
  • 1 Alcohol-sterilization prep pad for APE research

Strain Origin

Buy Albino Penis Envy (Ape) Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis). Also known as Blue Penis Envy, this mushroom strain is a hybrid of the PF Albino and Penis Envy. APE is a unique strain that has become one of the most highly sought after for its white/blue colors, odd morphology, and chemical concentration. Buy Albino Penis Envy (Ape) Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis). The Albino Penis Envy was made famous by mycologists on “The Shroomery” forum, and by our early entrance into this marketplace.


Buy Albino Penis Envy (Ape) Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis). Albino Penis Envy is an advanced strain to work with. It is one of the trickiest to manage, which is why it has a place in our Advanced 5-Pack. No matter your skill-level, there are few strains more rewarding than this. If you can handle the challenge, it’s very, very worth it. Keep in mind that results may vary per the individual’s skill level.

Spore Features

The spores of Albino Penis Envy (P. Cubensis) are transparent, subellipsoid on 4-spored basidia, and white in deposit. They are not the heaviest spore producers, adding to the unique quality & high value of this strain.  Buy Albino Penis Envy (Ape) Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis).


Buy Albino Penis Envy (Ape) Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis). Albino Penis Envy isn’t nearly as available as strains like Golden Teacher & Jedi Mind Fuck. In other words, Albino Penis Envy is a highly unique strain, and is one of the more rare P. Cubensis options on the market. Nonetheless, we keep them at $19.99 so that anyone with mycological interest can have easy access. These are truly great genetics to add to your collection.

Cultural Significance 

Buy Albino Penis Envy (Ape) Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis). Albino Penis Envy has primary significance in the American mycological community, where it is studied, enjoyed, & sold in the free market. As the result of a somewhat recent laboratory creation, the Albino Penis Envy’s story is really just beginning! Buy Albino Penis Envy (Ape) Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis). The APE strain has been nick-named, isolated, translated into digital content more than any other strain. From Instagram posts of starry-night APES, to AI creations of Gorillas with mushrooms, the Albino Penis envy seems to be a fan-favorite on social media & digital messaging. Buy Albino Penis Envy (Ape) Spore Syringe (P. Cubensis)


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